There we go

San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

killacross wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:05 pm Another long post to vent some of this frustration:

So to update. And a lot of nonsense history to get through here...

I have complained for months about my FIL and MIL doing 0 around the house...except making huge fucking messes every where they go. And only half ass cleaning it up (one time they dropped a carton of fruit juice on the floor...then "cleaned" it with a dry mop -- so just this sticky fucking mess in the end). I enjoy cleaning and used to clean the house an hr a day, every day after work. But I eventually got tired of cleaning their same mess over and over and over. My wife eventually started cleaning up after them (because she didn't like me complaining)...but then comes to me to complain about -- she sweeps the floor or wipes down the counter tops, and IMMEDIATELY after, her mom or dad will spill something or leave crumbs, or cook and make a huge fucking mess etc. etc. etc.

I tell her to tell her parents to stop acting like 7 yr olds and act like the 75+ yr olds they are. She says, they are old so she has to respect them yada yada yada. I told her...if she doesn't want to address the issue directly...I don't wanna listen to her whine about it. These have been a rough couple of months with them living here.

So anyway...the other issue is that her older sister and her husband and her two kids are poor...yet refuse to acknowledge it in any form. They constantly come to us to "borrow" money for "emergencies". This is the same family where the wife has worked 2 minimum wage jobs for the past 10 years while the husband has not worked at all. Eventually, she got a management role and quit the 2nd job...(though I think she made the wrong choice. A career in retail or in a hospital administrative office?) To be fair, he could not legally work because he lost his paperwork after getting citizenship -- but never put in a bit of effort to get the paperwork replaced. It came to a head earlier this year when he got arrested for driving without a license -- and was eventually deported. He has his paperwork now...but lo and behold, he STILL has not even STARTED looking for a job. He worked in construction. His favorite past time is to come to my paid for house -- and point out things that can be fixed/repaired. It is petty stuff. "You can tell the did a repair here, that paint doesn't exactly match the paint before -- That door frame doesn't look square -- You can tell your house is settling here, you see that crack forming in the drywall?" Just petty shit like that.

Finally, for Thanksgiving, the FIL and MIL went to that sister's house. That sister works in retail and had to work late Thanksgiving/Black Friday...but didn't want to leave her children alone (her husband went to Miami for some reason...but he has always randomly done that). They were complaining about having issues with their AC unit beforehand. She came with her kids to pick the parents up on Tuesday (wife and I were at work). They drop the baby off with my wife on their way out. Wife comes home early. I get home. Tuesday night they are gone. Wednesday night they are gone. Thursday around 10a, I am downstairs playing with my daughter when I hear the lock on the front door rattle. In walks FIL, MIL, sister and her 2 kids. I ask my wife did she know they were coming and she said, not really, they called her about 5 mins before to say they are almost there. They basically say their AC unit has crapped out and the house is too cold to stay. So they ask to spend the night. They also ask to "borrow" some money to get their unit repaired. I asked how much money do they have to put towards the repair -- she says she has about $2200...but doesn't want to use that because that is for the kids' iphones for Christmas...but if we could loan them the money or even cosign for them...they would definitely pay us back. Long story short, we paid 100% of the replacement unit costs and they kept the money for iphone 11s "because it's Christmas, and you gotta help family, and a $5k repair is just at 0.5% of our net worth (meaning that if I had a $100...I would have $99.95 left after this repair) -- it makes sense...but because of how this family is, it has been a very rough patch in our marriage. In my world don't get iphone 11s @15 and 11 period, but especially if you can't heat your house. But whatever. She leaves for work. We find places for everyone to sleep (1 guest room, the parents' room, and a sleeper sofa later). Thursday they spend the night. Friday, she says she's too tired to drive back to get they spend the night. Saturday, she says shes still tired and may be getting sick, so they spend the night.The husband gets back Sunday, but he's tired from driving from FL to NC and she says she's sick. So WE drive the kids back Sunday night because they have school on Monday. Oh and the kids harrassed me constantly on Friday to take them shopping because of the really good deals. When I said no...the 15 year old boy threw a tantrum and started crying. I took my daughter and cellphone and mocked him relentlessly, until he shut himself in the guestroom. So I signed on to my WIFI and blocked his access -- yes, yes, I'm Richard PETTY. But I had a good laugh.

The newest issue is that my wife's other sister is in the Army and currently stationed in KS. She is being medically discharged in January after 17-18 yrs of service (she had crazy complications with her pregnancy a yr plus ago and will likely never be the same). He husband is also retiring after a 20+ yr career in May/June. The parents go back to Nicaragua in Feb. This sister's plan is to go to Nicaragua with her parents from Feb to May. When they come back, the mom, dad, sister, her child wanted to move in with us "because Killa has a nice big house with lots of space" to figure out what their next move is while the husband retires and arranges to move across the country. They never asked btw...they TOLD my wife that that is their plan. Fortunately, my wife said she HAS to talk to me about it first. Obviously, I said not just no, but hell no.

This killed the conversation. So the father had this outburst about how he is tired of having to clean up behind me constantly. Obviously, this started another discussion. He says that when I come home from work, I dump my dirty tupperware in the sink and expect him to clean up and he is sick of it. So on Dec 21, they told us they are spending Christmas with the other sister. My wife drove them down on the 23rd.

OK. That background info is out of the way.

We went to visit that sister on the 25th. The sister was excited because she got approved for a 0% interest CC. The kids got their iphones...the husband got 100s - 1000s of dollars in accessories for his $60k pick up truck. The sister got some jewelry. Am I the only one that realizes that they are going to get hit with 30% interest next year. At least the house was a VERY COMFORTABLE 76 deg.

Now this same husband that criticizes my house. They had a leaky toilet 3+ years ago. They ignored it for years until it rotted out the bathroom floor. Eventually he repaired the floor...but when you walk into the bathroom now, it is still unfinished plywood 2+ years later. I also noticed that the shower head is leaking behind the wall -- so there is a forest of mold around the shower/tub parameter. THE GUY WORKED IN CONSTRUCTION...he has all the tools to fix it. He also hasn’t worked a FT for the past decade…so he has the time to fix it. But whatever....

The other thing, the house is fucking FILTHY. We didn’t let our daughter touch the floors. And you know how babies put EVERYTHING in their mouth. Well, we were on her like fucking helicopter parents because HELL NO. They have 3 big dogs (german sheppard mixes) and 2 cats. The MIL and FIL were sweeping, scrubbing stains outta counter tops, scrubbing appliances, washing dishes, taking out the trash, and mopping. Just all the shit that they don’t do at my house. Watching them just blew my fucking mind because I was told they are too old to do any of it. And while grandma and grandpa were doing this, the kids were watching tv, playing video games, and showing me all the cool features of their new iphones – and telling me that I should upgrade my phone because my Galaxy S5 is too old and too far behind current technology.

The sister was just shooting a barrage of nonsense questions about when are we having baby #2? My wife is getting older and we have to think about these things – and can’t wait forever.

TL;DR: I don't hate my inlaws... But I fucking dislike them so much
lmfao, started laughing halfway though with the 15yr old throwing a tantrum. The power is in your hands you guys are all family now. Speak your mind and speak to truth (don't always be an asshole). You will just have to tell them whats up, they can't wait you now or ever. They maybe mad at you putting your foot down and up their asses but you are the man of the house.

Most of my wife's fam is in the Caribbean who i'll be meeting sometime this year (St. Vincent). I am cool with the mom and dad so far.

My mother is getting married this year so I met her fiance's fam during Christmas which was fun and very different. It's going to be annoying because I will eventually get when am I going to marry my wife (we are not married but I will call her my wife), my mother is getting married a second time. To be honest momdukes deserves to be married before me, shes been through a lot.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

everyone constantly misses the critical MIL and FIL do not speak English. We can only communicate in very very basic conversations (in spanish). I guess I could just hand them a broom, mop, sponges and point...

My wife would never translate what I want to say directly...without sugar coating it. Hiring a professional interpreter is just too aggressive for my tastes. So, I am going to wait them out the 30ish days (Feb 8th) for when they move out...and they are both mid to late 70s and poor health habits...I am at least 1/2 their age. Gonna wait them out for that too.
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Re: There we go

Post by eddieson »

No google translate?
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Re: There we go

Post by Colep924 »

eddieson wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:54 am
Colep924 wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:22 pm How do I post a picture?

Like that
Lol bastard
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Re: There we go

Post by Thunderbox »

Happy New Year, y'all.
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

killacross wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:44 am
xandorxerxes wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:44 am Your in-laws are full of shit, but the kids are right on this one. Not only is Samsung moderately god-awful at putting out security updates, your phone hasn't been supported for a long while. Need to either get a newer phone or sideload an OS that will get regular updates. Lineage OS is probably one of the most popular ones. Google stopped supporting my Pixel this year, and I'm annoyed enough and too cheap that I don't want to buy a new phone, so I'll be likely doing that shortly myself.
Im [naively Im sure] not really worried about cellphone security. I dont have nudes on there. And dont really have any sensitive info either. In all honesty...this site IS my social media. I can brag about my highlights and vent about my frustrations. Just significantly less photoshop involved.

Funny enough, the biggest issue I had last month, my CC was hacked/stolen 3x!...according to WellsFargo, there was a PayPal data breach.
That data breach was two years ago... sounds like WellsFargo is full of shit unless for some reason your info is just NOW getting sold. It could be some other site you used your card on though (or that sold your info to a third party).

You'd just need to be worried about having a malicious device connect to your home wifi, because that's direct access to the rest of your network. If you don't connect it to your home wifi, you'd just risk having your data blow up if you phone is turned into a crypto-miner or part of a botnet. That wouldn't necessarily impact you very much (ISP might cut you off, I guess), but whoever was on the receiving end wouldn't appreciate it :P
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Re: There we go

Post by superbob »

Found a Ultimate Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy that was put in upsidedown and backwards. From what I saw online, they're not worth anything special but I think it's absolutely fantastic

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Re: There we go

Post by superbob »

Also, added spoiler tags just now because apparently we didn't have them, standard [ spoiler ][ / spoiler ], i'll work on adding a title to it
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

So, if ya'll remember way back I mentioned that I'm a photographer (San knows because he follows me on instagram) but, I finally created a website over my winter break so I figured I'd share. Plus, you can bring any weird site related things to my attention too.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Nigga, of course we'll help.
We tryna see some more of them asian milfs.

Also, your Fashion portrait section pricing is confusing. You say the fee is 35, but packages start at 75, but a la carte services start at 50 (shouldnt this be 35?).
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »


The session fee is for my time and that doesn't include any photos. That is paid upfront and reserves your day (this is talked about during the consultation before anything has been decided), obviously if you cancel (within a certain time frame) then that money is refunded or you can just move the shoot day to a different day. Any cost that I occur from the day come out of that fee.

My packages are photo packages that include albums, prints, wall art,etc

A la carte are if you don't want a package and just want to by a one off. Which is obviously significantly more expensive than buying a package. only buy what you want. So say for example, killa you hired me for family photos. We'd meet and I'd talk to you and your wife about what you guys were looking for. I'd show you the products I have and all that good stuff. We would set a date and you would pay the $350 in order to reserve that day and your shoot day would be set. Then we'd do the shoot and then about 1.5-2 weeks later you'd come in for your viewing. That is when you would choose the photos you want. If you for some reason hate them all (unlikely) you'd pay for nothing. You pay for what you want. The only thing you will have paid for is my time (and the make up artist time) on the day of the shoot.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Nice site DM.

Wtf they have a Star Trek show revolving around Picard? Not a reboot but the current one I grew up with. Anyone hear anything about this?
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I see DM

and your late San...
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:00 am So, if ya'll remember way back I mentioned that I'm a photographer (San knows because he follows me on instagram) but, I finally created a website over my winter break so I figured I'd share. Plus, you can bring any weird site related things to my attention too.
You're going to want to make sure you're not running afoul of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, as it looks like you have a message form and process payments (not to mention host pictures). I'm not entirely sure off the top of my head if photos of individuals count like they do for the GDPR, but I imagine they would. I haven't had to do much privacy work for our Japanese offices compared to our EU, so I'm a bit rusty. In whatever contract you offer up front you'll also want to include any ownership/permission to use/copyright clauses. Your services mentions professional hair and makeup - what about digital editing (if any)? Will clients have the ability to request changes to a photo? You might want to stipulate up front if you don't do it just to save yourself a headache later.

From a cosmetic standpoint, when you look at the "Personal Branding" section of your Portfolio I'm prompted to choose between "Men" and "Women." When I click on either one, it takes me to the appropriate page - but still has those two large pictures at the top. If I didn't catch that my scroll bar changed, I wouldn't have known that the page changed (the new pictures were all added off-screen at the bottom). My recommendation would be to remove the pictures for the men/women links at the top (leave the words as a navigating tool) and load the rest of the pictures like normal.

Under "Photography Services" the scrolling pictures across the top aren't aligning for me. I'm on a widescreen with a higher resolution, but the pictures seem to be aligning center within the frame as opposed to the page. Since the frame is only covering 80% of the page, it looks like you're aligning to the right of the center of my screen. It looks OK at first, but once the non-standard sized images start rotating in it starts playing with my head. The testimonials page looks perfect and the rest of services page look just fine - it's only the scrolling images.

Not really trying to be a nitpick, more that if this were my business site I'd want to know every little thing someone saw so this is me attempting to do that.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

xandorxerxes wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:49 pm
Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:00 am So, if ya'll remember way back I mentioned that I'm a photographer (San knows because he follows me on instagram) but, I finally created a website over my winter break so I figured I'd share. Plus, you can bring any weird site related things to my attention too.
You're going to want to make sure you're not running afoul of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, as it looks like you have a message form and process payments (not to mention host pictures). I'm not entirely sure off the top of my head if photos of individuals count like they do for the GDPR, but I imagine they would. I haven't had to do much privacy work for our Japanese offices compared to our EU, so I'm a bit rusty. In whatever contract you offer up front you'll also want to include any ownership/permission to use/copyright clauses. Your services mentions professional hair and makeup - what about digital editing (if any)? Will clients have the ability to request changes to a photo? You might want to stipulate up front if you don't do it just to save yourself a headache later.
Yeah, I'm definitely not done, but I'd rather have something up and build it up as opposed to not having anything and just waiting until it's completely finished. The most annoying part is that because I'm a native English speaking photographer that lives in Japan I cater to two potential client bases. The English-only speaking base and the Japanese-only (or very little English) speaking base meaning essentially everything has to be done on my site twice. I don't have a Japanese privacy policy yet but that's actually less of a concern for me considering how backwards Japan is technology-wise, I have time for that one.

I don't process/take any payments online. Any payments would be offline and in person as in cash/bank transfer since I'm not yet in a position to take any credit card payments (which is actually still very common in Japan). The contact form is just an email form for contacting about shoots (which I just added a simple privacy policy for) and as time goes on and I have the budget for lawyers to iron it out for me I will. Everyone on the site is well aware of my intended usage of photos and I have model releases in both Japanese and English that will be given to each client. I will respect their wishes to not have photos up on the website or social media if they request it but they still have to sign the release. It stipulates how the photos will be used and how they can use the photos. Hair and make up is hired for the shoot and that's it, I'm not running a salon so no issues there (in Japan) anyway.

For the rest of the stuff I explain all that in-person. No photographer's website has all of that listed on the site regarding retouching, and photo changes.

The top scrolling banner was bothering me and I wasn't sure but thanks to your comment I just decided to remove it. I also changed up the personal branding page to fit more to what you suggested as well so thanks.
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Re: There we go

Post by eddieson »

Looking nice there DM. Is this something you're doing along with teaching and the podcast?
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Re: There we go

Post by Colep924 »

589D06E4-0C85-45A7-ABCD-78335E9FB292.jpeg (31.47 KiB) Viewed 14471 times
E9A4C490-613E-47CC-B56F-238E17607B49.jpeg (29.17 KiB) Viewed 14471 times
Hah figured it out. Those AoT books go up to just about the end of season 3, the OP go up to the end of Punk Hazard.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Megan and Harry gonna turn baby Archie into a real life Donflamingo lol
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

They're taking Archie away? Betty and Veronica are going to be crushed, but I really feel bad for poor Jughead.
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Re: There we go

Post by Colep924 »

I’m getting chills reading some of these early One Piece chapters, really feels like Oda had it all mapped out since day one.
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