There we go

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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Wealthy in Louisiana?


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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

What are the groups thoughts on the college "protests"?
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Re: There we go

Post by Haohmaru »

Uno reverse: What are your thoughts?
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I think it is incredibly dumb. And the more they interview these kids...the dumber they look.

And when the "protests" turn violent [ they did a few years ago]. I would expect the universities first, then the government to start to crackdown. I'm not sure about the homeless encampment strategy or where it came from - but I don't think that is particularly effective either.
Also - I it's just so weird to see people get so incredibly animated about this cause - but silent about 99% of the other world events.

...People just want to feel important I guess
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

If you want to protest then protest but the minute it turns violent or if you're blocking traffic and doing stupid shit like that then I have a problem.

And while I do think some of these young people probably don't like Jews, I don't this idea being pushed that they are all driven by anti-semitism because that isn't the case, many of the college protesters are Jews themselves and they even held Passover dinners with Muslims and all that jazz.

I do think it's funny that Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro in particular have completely tanked their reputations because of this situation, they'll both be fine in the long run but they lost a lot of people and the broader America First conservative movement has completely dismissed them as pure Israeli propaganda at this point...and they kinda are.

Basically, the establishment right wing has become the very snowflakes that they rail against and I'm glad that it's finally starting to become very apparent to people just how much influence Israel has over US politics.
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

killacross wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 12:06 am What are the groups thoughts on the college "protests"?
Dumb college students get riled up by random people and do stupid things. My opinions are basically the same as the others - do stupid shit, win stupid prizes.

Kinda like the Oregon encampment however long ago... Everyone makes it sound like they're some huge thing to score clicks or political points. It's actually pretty small and annoys a lot of the other students.

From all the numbers I've seen it's usually about half of the arrests are students and the other half aren't identified as such.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

I think, cease fire, get proper humanitarian aid and 2 state solution will probably stop the college protest. It's a global movement too, not just in the U.S.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I wouldn't even go so far as to say they are riled up
.. They are just participating in group think

Also.. I'm not even convinced to call them leftists yet... But they are a branch of the extreme left

.. Which is confusing to me as well. They [collective] are so quick to call someone literally Hitler, a neo-nazi, antisemitic, and every - ist.... But then support the other side in a war like this.. When they are blatant about the issue
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Far beyond the Left, but of course there are lefties in the protest. Call a spade a spade, genocide is being committed. South Africa filing human rights violations with that joke of a court ICJ, along with other countries. Yes a sovereign nation has the right to defend themselves and exist and yes Palestinian should be a state with its land given back (2 state solution). That is pretty much my holistic view to sum it up.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Have you guys heard about the trial of Chris Gregor? The dude accused of killing his 5 year old son back in 2021? His trial just started so the video of him abusing his son on the treadmill has been released.

Crazy thing is, Chris Gregor grew up two houses down from my family after we moved to NJ. For a bit his oldest brother was friends with my younger brother. I've been in his family's house, dude's mom was the emergency contact for me in high school as she was the closest person to the school because both my parents worked in NYC.

His dad is a retired state trooper. WTF was going on in that house. Their other 3 kids aren't criminals as far as I know.

The parents eventually moved out of the town under the cover of night.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Closest experience I had to that was a decade ago
... When I graduated... I worked 3rd shift at a gas station for 2 weeks. This guy came in one night looking for a coworker. Said tell him "Smurf" is looking for him

Turns out Smurf was a serial murderer from NY. I think he had killed like 7 or 8 people on his way down

He got caught before my coworker got popped though.

Random... DM... You still anarcho capitalist [leaning] or has your outlook changed/refined over the past several years?

The world is crazy, but I still see myself as center-right
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Well...your story is terrifying, there's a good chance he may have taken you out as well had your coworker been there. My situation there was no danger to me, it's just crazy that this guy that I first met when he was 6 years old turned out to be a real piece of shit in the worst possible way.

And I am still all about the non-aggression principle and that anarchist way of thought. But I do live in the real world and understand that government isn't going away anytime soon. The biggest thing to me is principles, and I think throughout my time here on this board I've been pretty consistent regardless of who we're talking about.

Do I think that currently, the left is worse than the right? Yes, but when it comes to the politicians they are ultimately the uniparty.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

My terrifying story has to do with some of the girlies I messed with..way, waaaaaaaay back when

.. Pulling up the mugshots... Meth is a helluva drug
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Digital Masta wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 4:09 pm

Just enjoy.
I didn't last 75 sec, I'm in tears 😭 😩😩🤣🤣
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

"Fuck, I got cooked"

Don't know why - had me rolling.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

The best part is the fact that the guy used AI to reproduce the dub voices.
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

"Uchigger" basically broke me, but "Damn Sasuke really just got bitched" finished it.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

In this universe Gaara is a white supremacist.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

25% to 100% tariffs on Chinese EV brands and advanced batteries is crazy.......b-b-but climate change and free market?
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