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One Piece Chapter 1137

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:53 am
by San Goku

Re: One Piece Chapter 1137

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:48 am
by Digital Masta
So final matchups...does Shanks fight his brother or does Luffy fight Shamrock as a substitute for him facing off against Shanks?

Re: One Piece Chapter 1137

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:48 am
by killacross
I had a conversation with Oda the other day. He explained it all to me.

Shanks is working with his dad and brother in the background. Shanks joins his family in the end...against Luffy. He's gonna put on glasses and swoop his hair and throw the strawhat to the side when Luffy returns it. It's gonna be very Aizen-esque.

Shanks' crew is also there and in complete disbelief after Shanks attacks them, incapacitating like 90% of them.
Through tears, Luffy pleads with Shanks - but Shanks will be undeterred. They will fight and fight and fight. In the end, after a nakama punch - Luffy changes Shanks' mind and SHanks + crew join the SHs armada. Luffy fights Shamrock, Shanks fights his dad - and Luffy's bounty goes to 2.6 trillion beri.

Luffy officially declares war on the Celestial dragons....and Imu.

End the final arc - Act 2. Then another time skip into the final chapters of OP. Oda wants to have it complete by 2032 (35 years) - he told me.

Re: One Piece Chapter 1137

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:54 pm
by Colep924
So it's safe to assume this is the guy that was talking to the 5 Elders during the Reverie, and likely the pirate he was talking about was Loki.