There we go

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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

I'm surprised baseball is still going. I think they're forcing it, but we'll see I guess.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

superbob wrote: Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:39 am Loving Hockey being back... Habs knock out Pittsburgh, chicago knocks out mcjesus and edmonton.

in both the east and the west, the #12 seed knocked out the #5 seed in the qualifying round.
My Leafs play a deciding game 5 tomorrow. I haven't watched any games yet but will probably watch that one.
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Re: There we go

Post by superbob »

xandorxerxes wrote: Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:11 pm I'm surprised baseball is still going. I think they're forcing it, but we'll see I guess.
I especially don't see how the NFL is planning on playing by following the Baseball method. Hockey and Basketball seem to be doing it correctly, by just completely isolating the players and staff to prevent any interaction with the outside.

I'm enjoying the baseball highlights, don't get me wrong, especially with the rockies at 10 & 3, but the constant travel for baseball and not isolating the players results in the 15 players testing positive for the marlins and the current situation with st. louis
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

Sorry for jumping back to current events, but for those of you impacted by the payroll "tax cut," DO NOT SPEND THE MONEY. It doesn't erase the tax obligation, it only makes it so that you don't pay it right now. You still have to pay it later (other congressional action pending). Make sure to watch your paychecks or talk to your employer, as a few have already expressed they will continue taking the withholding to not stick people with a giant bill in April.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I'm gonna invest it...then pay taxes outta savings.

Stock market is going ham hopefully it continues. There's already been speculation about it climbing to bananas highs by the election. Of course depending on the outcome -- I suspect it will plummet almost overnight.
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

There's a much better way of putting it that you've pointed out. How about:

For those of you impacted by the payroll "tax cut," understand that It doesn't erase the tax obligation; it only makes it so that you don't pay it right now. You still have to pay it later (other congressional action pending).

It's always better to owe taxes, just budget accordingly to pay them when taxes are due (a tax refund essentially means you lent the government money at 0% interest).
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Peeps, last night I had a really great tinder date. See, I fucking hate Tinder and I think its bad for people overall. Having said that my older brother met his gf through tinder and my two best friends met their wives on Tinder (one friend here in Japan the other in Korea) and here I was being a black guy on Tinder in Japan (not nearly as popular as white guys are) where Tinder is overall shit. I usually don't have it on my phone but sometimes I get bored and swipe for a bit and the delete it again.

Well, I ended up swiping on a 30 year old woman that I had a few things written in her profile, mainly stuff she liked and based on her photos she looked pretty good (and looked a little thicc). Later on we match up and I message her.

First thing she asks me is if I am interested in marriage and when I tell her yes she asks what type of woman I am looking for. I was intrigued boys (+ames the only female here I think). As we texted she said things about marriage and kids that completely align with my thoughts and I knew I had to meet her.

So I asked her out and she wanted to meet the next day after work. (I am off for 9 days due to Obon holiday/school summer vacation).

We met and she looked better than her photos. I was immediately like "Oh, fuck yes." totally my type when it comes to Asian women (also clearly ample bosom which is nice).

Long story short we had a great time and are currently supposed to go out again on the 15th because she asked me what I was doing with my time off and I told her I wanted to go this awesome shrine (Ukiha Inari Shrine look it up) because it is a place I always wanted to go and location scout and take background plates. She said she has a car and can drive their if I want to go together with her and I was like "Yeah".

I am gonna see if we can meet up again before the 15th as well but I hope this works out because I got kinda excited about her last night and that terrifies me a bit because my luck has been shit for a while.
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Re: There we go

Post by Cane_The9lives »

Without fully knowing what your pace is when it comes to relationships, I hesitate to give advice on how fast or slow you should take this(everyone is different obviously) but slow is always a safe bet. Cautious would be the most critical thing I would impart, I've always had an instinctive skepticism of dating apps like tender, I prefer organic or third party encounters( I met my wife through a mutual friend, she told her I was a naturalized Irish American and that really intrigued her).

Don't be too eager, that's burned me in the past(oh lord I could write an entire dissertation on that phase of my life...) but honestly it sounds like you really dig her and I think a shrine is a perfect second date. I would have taken my wife to Cave hill on one of our earlier dates(one of my favorite haunts growing up) as well as Belfast castle were I still living in Ireland. If we every actually finally get around to going on our honeymoon,(years of putting it off, long story...) that's definitely on the itinerary whenever I can get back(which is looking like next to never)

She wants to see Ardoyne....I really don't want her to see my old shithovel(not the village, the sad pathetic structure we called a house).

But dude seriously, off the beaten path/out of the way is the best play. I made the mistake time and time again that restaurants and hangouts were the name of the game, and sure that might be good for a first date, but damn it I bored the fuck out of these woman. I eventually learned experiences are much more appealing than time and accessibility, and they tend to stick in their memory.

What's the communication dynamic been like since the initial meet up? Does she text first or you?

I hope the second date goes well, and bonus if you can squeeze in another meet up before then but it might be prudent to let the first date simmer, its only five days.

But do what feels right and Slainte my man!
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Congratulations DM. I remember meeting this Japanese women at a park in Tokyo. I was so glad that she could speak fluent English too. I got the love at first sight feeling lol. Always said if I managed to live there at the time she would be the one.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Ahhhh yes!! Congrats DM! BUT, if you think she is special, or if she could be the one (I knew my wife was the one the first time I spoke directly with her in college), gotta slow it down, take your time, and notice what she actually DOES vs what she SAYS. That was my problem in my younger years. Of course back then, I was trying to smash and dash 99.9999% of the time though.

That's the thing about being married...and being married for so "long" (we are in year 9, going on 10 and have been together for 14 now). Those butterflies fade and are replaced with another feeling. I am not sure what that feeling is though. Mostly trust and comfort and annoyance. Honestly, you miss the excitement of the chase...not so much the sex.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Cane_The9lives wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:01 am Without fully knowing what your pace is when it comes to relationships, I hesitate to give advice on how fast or slow you should take this(everyone is different obviously) but slow is always a safe bet. Cautious would be the most critical thing I would impart, I've always had an instinctive skepticism of dating apps like tender, I prefer organic or third party encounters( I met my wife through a mutual friend, she told her I was a naturalized Irish American and that really intrigued her).
Oh, I agree. Organic introductions are way better.

I have been burned too many times so I always expect the worst. I am cautiously optimistic.
What's the communication dynamic been like since the initial meet up? Does she text first or you?
Well, the initial meeting was last night so it is still developing. She messaged me first when she got on the train back home. She was also the first to say, "So we are meeting again on the 15th?"
I hope the second date goes well, and bonus if you can squeeze in another meet up before then but it might be prudent to let the first date simmer, its only five days.
I tried lol. But her schedule is a bit tight during this week.
San Goku wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:51 am Congratulations DM. I remember meeting this Japanese women at a park in Tokyo. I was so glad that she could speak fluent English too. I got the love at first sight feeling lol. Always said if I managed to live there at the time she would be the one.
Don't ever tell your wife this story.
killacross wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:30 am Ahhhh yes!! Congrats DM! BUT, if you think she is special, or if she could be the one (I knew my wife was the one the first time I spoke directly with her in college), gotta slow it down, take your time, and notice what she actually DOES vs what she SAYS. That was my problem in my younger years. Of course back then, I was trying to smash and dash 99.9999% of the time though.
That's the plan but I will say that the brain below my waist is like: SMASH SMASH SMASH.

I don't think I'd be able to resist her feminine wiles should she turn that on.

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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

Congrats DM! I'm always a fan of torii structures. Good luck on the 15th!
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

@killa preach with Does vs Says.....

Thought Biden was gonna pick Susan Rice, thought that would have been the safest pick?
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Joe just lost the black vote. Joe also better have a food taster because this bitch ain't above poisoning his ass.

Also this is what the Trump administration and all Trump surrogates were waiting for Biden picking his running mate. Expect the dogs of war to be released in full force now because they are gonna come after her relentlessly.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

...aaaaaand Trump 2020.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Why would he pick someone who hates his guts and literally wants his job (should he become president) while he is in office?
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

The term you're looking for is PANDERING.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

killacross wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:07 pm The term you're looking for is PANDERING.
Lol to whom? Black people hate this woman.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Say what you want... She's still a better choice than Stacy Abrams

.. At least she's got the black vote on lock
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

If Biden really want to win he would of picked Susan Rice. Of course she has her Bengazi and 2016 candidate Trump issues but at least she is one of the regular Washington elite (maybe he wanted to move away from that)....
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