There we go

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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

just beat FF6

for as much praise as the game gets...I honestly wasn't a fan. Too many characters, the menus are wonky, the story was kinda cheesy and generic.

I get its 25 years old or so...but when I play old games now (even games I haven't played before)...there's an appreciation for the nostalgia

...I just didn't get it this time
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

I wrote out a super lengthy reply about Corona, then decided I'll take it to PMs and I'll abbreviate it.

@Holy Cowboy - Is that about the rocket? The link doesn't work. China has historically given 0 shits about where their rocket boosters land, they've hit their own territories before many times. Maybe now they'll start wising up, but I doubt it.

@Killa - FF6 I think is like FF7 - you had to play it when you were the right age and at the time. I don't know a lot of people that missed FF7 at the time and then picked it up later, but I'm pretty sure none of them thought it deserved all of the praise.

And for my third subject - Mitch McConnell added a measure to the Patriot Act to allow the warrantless collection of the browsing history of American citizens. An amendment to stop that failed to pass by one vote thanks to some no shows. One more day, one more chip off our 4th amendment. Hopefully it won't fly in the House, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Re: There we go

Post by Haohmaru »

killacross wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 8:52 am just beat FF6

for as much praise as the game gets...I honestly wasn't a fan. Too many characters, the menus are wonky, the story was kinda cheesy and generic.

I get its 25 years old or so...but when I play old games now (even games I haven't played before)...there's an appreciation for the nostalgia

...I just didn't get it this time
There are a lot of characters, but everyone is linked in some way or another. I don’t get what you mean with wonky menu.
As for story, yeah it’s old. Another era, different writing. I didn’t think it was bad. I liked the game because of the characters and variety of weapons and magic.
There are a lot of other great snes rpgs that probably won’t resonate with you today as they would’ve in the past.
I recently bought FF7Re. That game didn’t do anything for me. It was so fucking boring.
Then I bought Trials of Mana. Although the story is a lot simpeler then let’s say FF7 is so much more fun to play. I’m on my 3rd playthrough with 60+ hours played already.
Also bought tales of vesperia yesterday. Never played that game because it was first released on the Xbox and then when it came out as a upgrade years later I forgot about it.
And then I realized that I’m and old school rpg fan.
These new flashy press square all the time and linear games don’t work for me.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Tales of Vesperia was a lot of fun...especially on the 2nd playthrough because I understood how to chain together attacks!

The menu was wonky because you have selections for abilities that you cannot use until you are 30+ hours into the game. I particularly hated the equipment menus...and ESPECIALLY that when people leave your party unexpectedly...they take all of the equipment with them!

The best story was with Gau (the little savage boy that was abandoned by his father - but it drove the dad mad).

Last year I played Chrono Trigger for the first time. I understood why the game got the praise it did. I played FF7 about 10 yrs after it released (I played FF8 and didnt understand why it received such hate compared to 7). FF7 was a solid game...but yea, I thought it was overrated.
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Re: There we go

Post by Haohmaru »

killacross wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 4:42 pm Tales of Vesperia was a lot of fun...especially on the 2nd playthrough because I understood how to chain together attacks!

The menu was wonky because you have selections for abilities that you cannot use until you are 30+ hours into the game. I particularly hated the equipment menus...and ESPECIALLY that when people leave your party unexpectedly...they take all of the equipment with them!

The best story was with Gau (the little savage boy that was abandoned by his father - but it drove the dad mad).

Last year I played Chrono Trigger for the first time. I understood why the game got the praise it did. I played FF7 about 10 yrs after it released (I played FF8 and didnt understand why it received such hate compared to 7). FF7 was a solid game...but yea, I thought it was overrated.
Chrono triggers story is great even now. You could easily remake it with added touches and it’d be the greatest rpg ever made.
Tales is really fun so far. It’s my first tales game since abyss I think.
Do you need a special skill to chain together attacks? I have two abilities now with Yuri (start of the game). O and up O. I tried chaining them together, but it didn’t work. Thought the character didn’t learn how to do that yet.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I don't really remember. Combat gets crazy! I remember I had this Aha moment... Then the game became easy because you could pulled off some outlandish shit. I bet you could still youtube it
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Re: There we go

Post by Haohmaru »

It’s actually pretty simple. I couldn’t do it before, because I was at the beginning of the game. Once you get arcane arts you can start doing combo’s. Basically it’s normal attack>base art>arcane art. There’s a order to it.

You can actually miss really important stuff in this game. I’m glad I took my time talking to people and checking stuff out. Rita (the magic researcher) has a secret weapon you can miss if you don’t do her side quest.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Rita is THE absolute fucking BEAST in that game...LEVEL HER UP!!
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Old has hell now, more than half way through my 30's and I'm still here fucking with ya'll lol.

20's seems very long but your 30's go by fast!
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Im guessing happy birthday?

And yea...this website is probably one of the few things I have kept up with over the years. Found it back in 2003/2004 (the Naruto days)...and paying $5 or $10 to get access to DDLs...

...some hilarious interactions over the years

...which still makes me upset at how the original site was just shut down without warning....but oh well
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Re: There we go

Post by Haohmaru »

I know it was fucking retarded.

Congrats San if it’s your birthday.

@killa, vesperia is such a great game man. This is what I call a good representation of what a RPG should be.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

also try Eternal Sonata

...I have good memories of that game as well
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Jesus I fucking hate contractors. They complain to my boss and boss' boss that I'm not communicating enough... But then decline meeting requests...

I am in a conundrum. I actually like the people I work with (first time)...the work is easy enough, just frustrating (nothing new).. I make good money (a very comfortable income for our lifestyle). But I can't fucking stand management here (almost a given).

I got called into the boss' office this morning about an email that was forwarded to him. He said it was only fair that he let me tell my side of the story. I said, I'm not 12 years old anymore...I don't care what they have to say or even want to be sucked into the drama. The project has enough hurdles and obstacles dealing with small and weak personalities isn't something I will even bother to acknowledge.
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

"Weak personalities" are a given no matter where you go, I'm glad you're in a situation where your boss can step in and put his foot down. I've seen contractors fired for very petty things.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross » what if my boss and boss' boss are weak personalities as well?

PS: It's a very weird arrangement. I'll elaborate more later this week...just don't have the time right now.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Will need to know the details about these weak personalities.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

May not make sense unless you work in pharma

I worked for a consulting company for 3.5 yrs before my current job
The guy at this current site...was my first boss (Mr V) at the consulting company for 1.5 yrs...then I was his boss for 4 months...then we were on separate projects...and have come back to I am the client...he is the contractor

so...the regional manager (Mr R) for the consulting company and the VP of North America engineering (Mr M) for my company are old Navy buddies.

basically...Mr V is too comfortable. When he has an issue...he emails Mr M with a long list of complaints. Those complaints trickle down from teh VP of the regional the site the the Sr my me. Mr V can be in a meeting with me 3 ft across the table from him...and won't say a thing. A grown ass man in his 50s and did 15-20 yrs in teh navy wont say shit...but immediately after, he will send a 3 page email about how I was rude, or disrespectful, or whatever. I have no clue and get blindsided 7-8 days later, when it finally trickles alllll the way down to me.

Yesterday was just a shitty day. I had test runs in the morning that were ruined because people can get instructions...but not fucking listen. So my results are invalid, gotta repeat it. I got called into my manager's office yesterday. He was you have 5 mins for a quick talk? Sure. OK...close the door.

So there is this email that is circulating about me specifically...but no one will send it to me directly. He said it was only fair that I got to tell my side of the story. I told him...I'm not 12 years I have no side. I don't want to be involved in the drama. So he told me...the email had 5 instances of me being rude or unprofessional. He listed them off. I said, well, that is absolute horseshit. Of the things that I ACTUALLY's unbelievable that I am getting blamed for shit I'm not involved in.

So my entire team of contractors are just oooooozing this bullshit...beta male energy (except for the 5'1" asian girl -- she's a fucking beast!). My boss is a people pleaser who cant handle conflict. My boss' boss is incompetent. Weak personalities all around. Drives me insane. If I ask...they can never make a definitive it falls on me to do it. When I DO make the decision...they start questioning if I should have made a different one. Just straight up nonsense.

Then I had a project meeting about why I haven't recorded the set points of the equipment and done my testing. The equipment is broken and shut down for repairs. I can't start it up to record set points because that will break it more. So the PM starts screaming about the schedule says I would be done with testing this week....why am I not done? BECAUSE THE EQUIPMENT IS INOPERABLE. We understand that, but your section should have already been done. I told them...yep, my fault...whatever....then got up from the meeting and went home.
Last edited by killacross on Thu May 21, 2020 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

You're playing the wrong game. They're playing King of the Hill, and you showed up as the guy who just goes straight for the top. You need strong teammates to hold that spot, it sounds like theirs are stronger than yours.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I know it's all politics.

The problem is that the project team (the people actually doing the work) is really strong. The shit show comes from people at least 3 levels above us that start pissing matches between departments. The project has this VERY aggressive timeline. All of these people [that are starting drama] have just now showed up -- obviously because they wanted to put their name on the byline to take all of the credit because they are amazing managers. They are starting to realize that we will not hit the due date. They are just now gotten start pointing fingers.

The issue is the stream of things -- most of the other departments are precursors to me. My portion is next to the due date will likely fall on me. If I pull it off and finish my shit, it will fuck the next group...BUT my department submits final paperwork that another group would have to approve. If they disapprove is my fault again for bad paperwork. So the more the project delays, the more fucked I am....
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Why don't you all hate your jobs as much as me?

Y-Y-Ya'll some regular ass company ass men ass niggas ass niggas
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