There we go

Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

killacross wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:02 am
Digital Masta wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 10:01 am about that Daily Wire vs Steven Crowder situation. I fully understand DW's business model and why that initial offer was structured the way it was and I can understand Crowder's feelings too.

Crowder leaking the tape left a bad taste in my mouth but all the DW talent going ham on Crowder makes them look really bad, especially Candace who acted like a complete asshat on both her show and Timcast.

Also it's kinda sus that they all did it at once and have attacking him personally. Crowder made himself look better by praising the people he knew at DW which was smart.

They also all focus on the money which Crowder said it wasn't about.

Looks like they gave the Invincible team more money because this short teaser looks way better than the entire first season.
#1 Invicible!! YAY!! Still miss Eve's comicbook costume.
#2 Was OOTL with the whole Steven Crowder thing. I haven't listened to one of his shows in years and years. I searched 1 YT video...and now my suggested videos are inundated with reactions and reactions to reactions. My understanding is they approached him with a $50M contract. He didn't like the numbers/contingencies and put them on blast for the terms (even though he never signed it).

I'd have to dig into it more...BUT, my initial, gut reaction is to side with DW. I would assume that social media is a HUGE portion of their proposed obviously - if you get the job and fuck up and not produce shows (or get Andrew Tate'd)...the money dries up...for both of you. I doubt the DW believes he could convert 100% his following into subscribers for them. Not to mention...there is probably already like a 90% overlap between the two...because I can't think of any particularly big issues that would cause a divide.

No idea what the others said about him...and probably wouldn't even dig into it that far. Personally, I'm trying to figure out my own $50M hustle...
though I'd settle for $5M at this point (still looking at you SF!!)
Lauren Chen had interesting thoughts about it because she had been approached by both DW, Crowder, and others over the years so she has a bit of insight into how they both approach contracts and working conditions. She isn't a fan of the way DW does business but doesn't have any bad blood with them, she pointed out in the Crowder video that Jeremy Boreing kept implying that "that's how business is done" but she was adamant that other places do not have that kind of that stuff in their term sheets.

Crowder was basically saying that the contracts are bad for people who don't have the following he has. The up-and-comers and he took issue with that, either way, releasing the recorded conversation was scummy. I totally understand where DW is coming from, advertisers are simply built into their business model and you can't just change that at a drop of a hat.

Either way, Crowder will be fine in the long run, it's just now that he and the DW are clearly never gonna speak to each other again. And I still stand by the statement that Candace acted like an asshat. She had every right to be upset by what he did but Candace gonna Candace and do stupid shit like call his audience stupid and just lob character bombs at him.

Unrelated but I wanted to spell Boreing's name correctly so I googled it and went to his Wikipedia, which led me to their entry of Libs of TikTok, and my god...Wikipedia really is a dumpster fire. This is how they describe her (the owner of that channel):
"Libs of TikTok is a far-right[a] anti-LGBT Twitter account owned by Chaya Raichik, a former real estate agent.[10][11][12] It reposts content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary.[13][14] The account, also known by the handle @libsoftiktok, has over 1.5 million followers as of November 2022,[15][16] and has become influential among American conservatives and the political right.[11][14][17] Raichik says she runs the account by herself full-time and lives in Los Angeles.[18] Libs of TikTok's social media accounts have received several temporary suspensions and a permanent suspension from TikTok.[19][20][21][22] "
Everything that isn't left of center is far-right in the eyes of Wikipedia and any criticism of the Alphabet Mafia results in being "anti-LGBT".
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:34 pm
killacross wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:02 am
Digital Masta wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 10:01 am about that Daily Wire vs Steven Crowder situation. I fully understand DW's business model and why that initial offer was structured the way it was and I can understand Crowder's feelings too.

Crowder leaking the tape left a bad taste in my mouth but all the DW talent going ham on Crowder makes them look really bad, especially Candace who acted like a complete asshat on both her show and Timcast.

Also it's kinda sus that they all did it at once and have attacking him personally. Crowder made himself look better by praising the people he knew at DW which was smart.

They also all focus on the money which Crowder said it wasn't about.

Looks like they gave the Invincible team more money because this short teaser looks way better than the entire first season.
#1 Invicible!! YAY!! Still miss Eve's comicbook costume.
#2 Was OOTL with the whole Steven Crowder thing. I haven't listened to one of his shows in years and years. I searched 1 YT video...and now my suggested videos are inundated with reactions and reactions to reactions. My understanding is they approached him with a $50M contract. He didn't like the numbers/contingencies and put them on blast for the terms (even though he never signed it).

I'd have to dig into it more...BUT, my initial, gut reaction is to side with DW. I would assume that social media is a HUGE portion of their proposed obviously - if you get the job and fuck up and not produce shows (or get Andrew Tate'd)...the money dries up...for both of you. I doubt the DW believes he could convert 100% his following into subscribers for them. Not to mention...there is probably already like a 90% overlap between the two...because I can't think of any particularly big issues that would cause a divide.

No idea what the others said about him...and probably wouldn't even dig into it that far. Personally, I'm trying to figure out my own $50M hustle...
though I'd settle for $5M at this point (still looking at you SF!!)
Lauren Chen had interesting thoughts about it because she had been approached by both DW, Crowder, and others over the years so she has a bit of insight into how they both approach contracts and working conditions. She isn't a fan of the way DW does business but doesn't have any bad blood with them, she pointed out in the Crowder video that Jeremy Boreing kept implying that "that's how business is done" but she was adamant that other places do not have that kind of that stuff in their term sheets.

Crowder was basically saying that the contracts are bad for people who don't have the following he has. The up-and-comers and he took issue with that, either way, releasing the recorded conversation was scummy. I totally understand where DW is coming from, advertisers are simply built into their business model and you can't just change that at a drop of a hat.

Either way, Crowder will be fine in the long run, it's just now that he and the DW are clearly never gonna speak to each other again. And I still stand by the statement that Candace acted like an asshat. She had every right to be upset by what he did but Candace gonna Candace and do stupid shit like call his audience stupid and just lob character bombs at him.

Unrelated but I wanted to spell Boreing's name correctly so I googled it and went to his Wikipedia, which led me to their entry of Libs of TikTok, and my god...Wikipedia really is a dumpster fire. This is how they describe her (the owner of that channel):
"Libs of TikTok is a far-right[a] anti-LGBT Twitter account owned by Chaya Raichik, a former real estate agent.[10][11][12] It reposts content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary.[13][14] The account, also known by the handle @libsoftiktok, has over 1.5 million followers as of November 2022,[15][16] and has become influential among American conservatives and the political right.[11][14][17] Raichik says she runs the account by herself full-time and lives in Los Angeles.[18] Libs of TikTok's social media accounts have received several temporary suspensions and a permanent suspension from TikTok.[19][20][21][22] "
Everything that isn't left of center is far-right in the eyes of Wikipedia and any criticism of the Alphabet Mafia results in being "anti-LGBT".

Didn't really know who Steven Crowder was before you talked about him. But for $50M/4yr you work that shit out behind close doors as much as possible. Without knowing much I'm initially going to lean towards DW.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I watched both Crowder videos and the DW response video... And the Shapiro response

I still lean heavily towards DW. Recording the phone call and saying... I COULD give you full context... But I won't to protect them is trash

Boreings response was informative, mature, balanced, and transparent. This is what was written.. This is why. This is the intent.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Crowder and his #2 are on Timcast right now and it's getting juicy...some new info dropped. I know ya'll don't care and I don't lose any sleep over it but I do like the inside baseball of it all.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Well I'll say it. If you were to tell me 3 weeks ago that the next two mass shooters in America would be old Asian me, I wouldn't believe you. A bit weird, what are the chances?

I believe the mandates and lockdowns send the mental illness in overdrive.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I've never trusted Asians

... It's something about their eyes
Makes them look suspicious

Seriously... I could never run for public office... But only if they can link me to my online persona
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

killacross wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:45 pm I've never trusted Asians

... It's something about their eyes
Makes them look suspicious

Seriously... I could never run for public office... But only if they can link me to my online persona
Geez u r so racist lol. You the real life uncle ruckus lol.
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Re: There we go

Post by Cane_The9lives »

Digital Masta wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 10:01 am about that Daily Wire vs Steven Crowder situation. I fully understand DW's business model and why that initial offer was structured the way it was and I can understand Crowder's feelings too.

Crowder leaking the tape left a bad taste in my mouth but all the DW talent going ham on Crowder makes them look really bad, especially Candace who acted like a complete asshat on both her show and Timcast.

Also it's kinda sus that they all did it at once and have attacking him personally. Crowder made himself look better by praising the people he knew at DW which was smart.

They also all focus on the money which Crowder said it wasn't about.

Looks like they gave the Invincible team more money because this short teaser looks way better than the entire first season.
Of course it was about the money. This was a well calculated back up plan with a side order of feigned righteous fervor, served on a bed childishness. Crowder may be a certified jackass, but he's no idiot. You don't register the domain name "Stop Big con" while you're still talking with a media company about tenuous contract terms, and then secretly record them under the pretense of touching base about various life subjects - not exclusive to business discussions - using a relatively expensive nostalgia toy as a prop to add flare (like does he not own a traditional voice recorder?) all while dramatically captioning the subsequent video "I didn't want to do this....".

This was theater from beginning to end, a ploy to generate buzz he so desperately needed after his separation from the Blaze and this ill-fated deal that died in utero.

I've made it no secret that I do not align politically with the Daily Wire and have no interest in being one of their subscribers, but from my divested perspective they at least appear to have gone into this in good faith, and Crowder ever the Showman and Prima Donna, decided to instead of end the negotiations amicably - As many people have done in dealing with the DW over the years - proceed to torpedo a friendship (Jeremy boering heaped quite a bit of praise at Crowder in his response video) and any chance of developing a future business partnership in any capacity.

Far be it from me to side with Candace Owens on anything (If Dave Rubin is the King of Grifters, she is its Queen) but it does for all intense and purposes appear as if Crowder's Raison d'etre in all of this: "I want their wealth and power minus the tough business decisions that come with it, and if I cant have it, then I'm going to claim principle above all else as my fallback". It's a classic Motte and bailey, i.e. you initially stand for position: B (cuz I need to eat and business is business) but rebound back to position : A (cuz "Muh principles" ultimately mattered more.)

The man is a Jackass.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Changing gears
...women - AMIRITE? company is French owned. We have a lot of French representatives that come to our site to provide oversight every so often. I am working on this project with this young, French girl. We had a project meeting yesterday and she suggested shifting the schedule around to do some time savings.

So a few hours later - I'm working with her again...and her mood has just completely changed since before lunch time. I asked her if she was OK. Turns out she was FURIOUS. She had been mulling this over for hours at this point. "[The manager] called me stupid in front of everyone!"

"When did this happen?"
So she's the meeting..."she said I have no brain!"

I was so confused for a short while....but I eventually pieced it together - the female manager said "If we can save 3 days on the project timeline doing's a no-brainer." I had such a good laugh. She didn't believe she asked someone else, what does "no-brainer mean?" They confirmed I was not lying to cover for the manager. I laughed even harder. She blushed to her hairline.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Ah yes good ol cultural barriers, that's funny.

Did a lateral move in my company. I start in a new plant and new role next month. I know my manager was fuming to see me go and he probably blocked my ascension on a couple of cases but that's okay. I wish him well. My crew threw me a pizza party to show appreciation. I really appreciated that, means you did some good.

Check out the I was trying to impress a girl on a date meme trending right now. 🤭🤭🤦🏾‍♂️🤡🌏
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Ugh...I may not understand this landlording thing just yet

we got something like a +3% ROI. I guess that is good considering my investments/401k are at like -10% for the year. Hopefully the tenants stay for 1 more year. As I was compiling all of my numbers and receipts for 2022. If I can have 1 perfect year...we'd bring in an additional $45k. Better than every job I had BEFORE I got my engineering degree...and got into pharma.

1st job outta college paid like $35k. Then I got into pharma and it jumped...A LOT
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Pet hedgehog... Or pet turtle 🤔
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Re: There we go

Post by superbob »

Maine Coon
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

The cat the size of a dog.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

The cat that hunts deer?
... I used to want a Toyger or a Bengal cat

I'm actually a cat person. Growing up, we always had cats. My last one lived like 17 years IIRC.

I'm actually a [freshwater] fish guy now... Beautiful, living, art
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

In 2019 - we had 2 HVAC units die on 2 weeks apart. The company we went with gave us a discount for buying 2 from them. I'm certain they were $5500 ea...and they gave us a $1k discount. We bought a duplex in Nov 2021...HVAC unit crapped out in Jan 2022. We went to the first company...and replaced the unit for ~$7k. Fast forward to Feb 2023. HVAC unit on the other side burst into flames. Actually got a phone call from the fire dept. Anywhoo - decided to try a different company, just because. They are replacing the unit for just under $4k.

Same brand as the other 3, same size, "same" SEER.

Was I previously scammed?
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Why was the Chinese balloon shot down over the Carolinas?
So it was allowed to collect info from the entire country before we reacted?

... Our government is in cahoots... Let's go Brandon
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Re: There we go

Post by superbob »

killacross wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:56 pm Why was the Chinese balloon shot down over the Carolinas?
So it was allowed to collect info from the entire country before we reacted?

... Our government is in cahoots... Let's go Brandon
I would assume they were waiting for it to be over the ocean so there was no impact to people or property over the US. And if you don't think we were running drones around it with just about every signal jammer so it couldn't receive a single useful transmission, i've got a bit of land on an atoll in the south pacific to sell you.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Weird stuff, just hearing about this. I'm on vacay for another week. Why a balloon though?
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Re: There we go

Post by superbob »

If I never had to worry about making money ever again, I'd love to do exactly this
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