There we go

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Re: There we go

Post by Colep924 »

Got these for a different brother
Got these for a different brother
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

ugh...stirs up feelings

when the last chapter came out...we were still on teh other site. So it's a double whammy

...this site needs a shoutbox. any way to make that happen? I spent 99% of my time there honestly
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Same. Shoutbox needed.

So, last night was interesting. At like 10pm a friend calls me and the conversation goes like this (paraphrasing):

"Would you be interested in a one night stand tonight?"

"WHAT? Umm...possibly."

"Good. So my sister-in-law is in town and has an itch that needs scratching and wants a foreign dude to do it." (She is Japanese, my friend is foreign)


"She's with her friend at this bar here. Let me know if you are gonna go because if not they will catch the last train. If you go you don't have to do anything if you're not feeling it."

"I'll go."

So I met them and it turns out they pulled a ruse. It was for the friend not the SIL(my friend didn't know this HIS WIFE and SIL set this up). She left soon after I arrived, just leaving her friend there with me. Honestly, she wasn't that great looking but it was a new experience and so I rolled with...and I took her to a love hotel and smashed the ever loving bejesus outta that! She gonna be like, "Black D is the best D"

I'm sticking to the original plan of it being a one nighter...even though as we were heading back to the train she was like, "So let's drink again." and I'm thinking in my head, " You're nice but I'm sticking to the deal. Damn it...Why I gotta please that booty so well?" I actually didn't exchange contact info with her.

It also ended a dry spell. I still got it, boys!

I'm sorry, despite the fact that I turn 35 this year I still act like a 12 year old at times.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:10 am Same. Shoutbox needed.

So, last night was interesting. At like 10pm a friend calls me and the conversation goes like this (paraphrasing):

"Would you be interested in a one night stand tonight?"

"WHAT? Umm...possibly."

"Good. So my sister-in-law is in town and has an itch that needs scratching and wants a foreign dude to do it." (She is Japanese, my friend is foreign)


"She's with her friend at this bar here. Let me know if you are gonna go because if not they will catch the last train. If you go you don't have to do anything if you're not feeling it."

"I'll go."

So I met them and it turns out they pulled a ruse. It was for the friend not the SIL(my friend didn't know this HIS WIFE and SIL set this up). She left soon after I arrived, just leaving her friend there with me. Honestly, she wasn't that great looking but it was a new experience and so I rolled with...and I took her to a love hotel and smashed the ever loving bejesus outta that! She gonna be like, "Black D is the best D"

I'm sticking to the original plan of it being a one nighter...even though as we were heading back to the train she was like, "So let's drink again." and I'm thinking in my head, " You're nice but I'm sticking to the deal. Damn it...Why I gotta please that booty so well?" I actually didn't exchange contact info with her.

It also ended a dry spell. I still got it, boys!

I'm sorry, despite the fact that I turn 35 this year I still act like a 12 year old at times.
LMAO!!!! The saying goes if you don't use it you lose it.... so keet using it!

**High Fives DM**
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:10 am Same. Shoutbox needed.

So, last night was interesting. At like 10pm a friend calls me and the conversation goes like this (paraphrasing):

"Would you be interested in a one night stand tonight?"

"WHAT? Umm...possibly."

"Good. So my sister-in-law is in town and has an itch that needs scratching and wants a foreign dude to do it." (She is Japanese, my friend is foreign)


"She's with her friend at this bar here. Let me know if you are gonna go because if not they will catch the last train. If you go you don't have to do anything if you're not feeling it."

"I'll go."

So I met them and it turns out they pulled a ruse. It was for the friend not the SIL(my friend didn't know this HIS WIFE and SIL set this up). She left soon after I arrived, just leaving her friend there with me. Honestly, she wasn't that great looking but it was a new experience and so I rolled with...and I took her to a love hotel and smashed the ever loving bejesus outta that! She gonna be like, "Black D is the best D"

I'm sticking to the original plan of it being a one nighter...even though as we were heading back to the train she was like, "So let's drink again." and I'm thinking in my head, " You're nice but I'm sticking to the deal. Damn it...Why I gotta please that booty so well?" I actually didn't exchange contact info with her.

It also ended a dry spell. I still got it, boys!

I'm sorry, despite the fact that I turn 35 this year I still act like a 12 year old at times.
**slow clap**

not gonna lie...I saw that San was the last to reply to the thread. I read that whole thing thinking it was him typing. I thought to myself -- What. The. Fuck? for my own WTF situation at the moment.

I havent given an update on Ms Thickums lately. Turns out...San may be right. She wants me to smash...and it is SO hard to resist. She is my kryptonite -- and she let it slip late last year that I am hers. She came in one day with some pictyas from 5 and 10 years ago. GOOD GAWDDDD DEM LATINA FEATURES!! DAYUMN GIRL!! -- i can't resist. Scrolling through, she "accidentally" had some [semi and full on] nudes that "were for her husband". She blushed to her hairline -- which for some reason was so F-ing sexy. Aaaaand of course, because I'm attracted to her -- I got rock hard in 0.00003 seconds. I excused myself -- but that was the cue she needed to be brazen. So she's started talking about my size.

I'm trying to be good...I really am. But the whole thing makes me wonder how far I could go and how long I could keep it a secret etc etc etc. I've arrived at the correct solution (can't hurt 4 innocent people (her husband/daughter, my wife/daughter) for a little fun but...) kinda disappointed in myself for giving it so much thought honestly.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

You a good man. I Thickums is a ho' for trying to do this knowing you got a family.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

She's got one too. I think it was by accident... But she's somewhat confident in her body so she wasn't ashamed I guess

And it's weird... I am certain I've been with more women than she's been with men... But it's weird applying the double standard.

I could mess with one, but could never have a serious relationship with a promiscuous girl
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Re: There we go

Post by xandorxerxes »

I'm all for thought experiments and trying to walk the line... but keeping it secret? That's where you're going to start losing the 'good man' status (yes, I'm a hypocrite, see later). As long as you can say that you'd be fine with your wife doing the same thing (in either you or thickums roles) you've got some ground to stand on, but I think you're getting dangerously close (if not past) the line where your wife starts to care. If you want to keep doing it without the guilt I'd tell the wife that someone at work is hitting on you and you want to know her boundary so you don't cross it. I wouldn't say you need to tell her if that line has already been crossed, but you can at least walk it back to pushing the line of 'acceptable.'

I've got my own double standards so I'm not pretending I'm some saint, but my commenting on this issue is based on my experience in a very similar situation. It didn't end well for me, wishing better for you.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

killacross wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:25 pm
And it's weird... I am certain I've been with more women than she's been with men... But it's weird applying the double standard.

Yeah, well men and women are different and a guy having a lot of sex with different women isn't exactly the same as a woman having a lot of sex with different guys (it's still not good in the long wrong for both but it's worse for women). I mean studies show that the more partners a woman has the higher the risk of divorce. ... -stability

They haven't done the study for men but I seriously doubt it's the same. Just because of the differences in men and women. I think I used this extreme example before but here we go:

If a married man/man with a girlfriend (and this guy absolutely loves his woman) gets stuck at a house party (meaning he can't leave until the next morning for whatever reason) where a bunch of attractive women want to have sex with him very badly and actively push it, if he doesn't lock himself in a room he will likely eventually succumb and have sex. This won't affect at all how he feels about his wife/gf and he'll forget about those party women just as quickly. And the society reaction from both men and women would be "Eh...I's not great but he's a man. That's kinda difficult for a guy to resist."

Contrast that with a woman in that situation where it's a bunch of attractive men that want to sex her up and she'd probably run away and find a room to lock herself in. If she did decide to have sex with them we know that she has issues in her relationship. Whereas the man might not really have any in his. Also the society reaction to the woman (from both men and women) would be, "Well, she's nasty, she's got relationship issues and probably some crazy childhood issues."

Is part of that society's influence? Sure, but it's mostly the primal recognition that men and women are fundamentally different in how we are wired for many things but especially sex.

I mean this difference just manifested with "one-nighter" like I said. The whole situation was sold to me as a one night thing and because she went "WOOOOOOOOOO" twice (see Eddie Murphy's Raw for context). She was all about that cuddle life afterwards, if I was to hold hands with her and all that while we were heading back to the train she would have been completely down for it and then of course the whole "Oh, let's hang out again." WTF happened to the whole "got an itch to scratch tonight" thing? I mean it's not surprising if a guy got it real good from a woman and then afterwards he's pretty cool with just being like, "Alright...nice meeting you."

But I say she's a 'ho not because of that but because she is actively trying to homewreck your shit and waiting for you to bite. It's like chasing around someone that is trying to lose weight with the the most delicious cakes and what not trying to get them to fail. It's fucked up.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

honestly havent crossed any lines [besides the pictyas -- and I think it was genuinely a it bad I thoroughly enjoyed it?].

I know it's hard to believe, but I typically like to take the moral high ground in these hypotheticals. My stance is that there are 4 types of relationships and only 3 that matter: sexual, romantic, intimate, [stranger]. I honestly want all 3 with her...but obviously can't pursue 2 of them because of circumstances and timing [a wife and kid]. So if a friend was in a similar situation...I would be like "You need to stay away and be careful because people get swept up in emotions and bad things happen"

...and here I am THINKING -- "If I met her before my wife..."

So...besides some crude jokes/innuendos...nothing that is "over the top" in my mind. But I mentioned before that she has this bubbly, flirty personality...and also that she has called me her friend 8x now. I still haven't done it once.

...fortunately, cant think of any circumstance where we would be alone long enough for something to happen -- and I wouldnt drink around her because I would make poor choices. I doubt anything would ever happen between us...but sometimes when shes bent over her desk just the right way when I walk past that cubicle and she's wearing them pink/white horizontal-striped dress pants...GOOD. GAWD. I kinda wish it did. Which disappoints me because I cant take a moral high ground in that situation.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

I also suspect that having a new baby and (mainly) your stress inducing in-laws have made your thoughts about Ms. Thickums run even wilder, no? She may feel like a much needed escape.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

I honestly wonder if that is what it is.

Obviously I noticed that she was gorgeous within a week of working there. Particularly, she wore this brown sundress that complimented her skintone and just hugged every inch of her body. The best part, was when she walked outside and the sunlight hit it -- it turned invisible/see through! She went home early that day, but I had already seen enough.

I didn't really grow close to her until coming back from paternity leave. We used to be the first 2 in the office in the morning (I came in at 645 and she came in at 7) we would have random conversations for 30-40 minutes every day. I think she opened up to me first about some family problems. I opened up to her about my annoying inlaws and how my wife thought I was wrong and crazy for being annoyed.

We've developed this very candid and honest relationship...mostly built around trust that we wouldnt gossip behind eachother's backs (which is the biggest issue in my dept). I describe it as -- it is always fun to talk to a pretty girl, but it is even more fun to talk to a pretty girl who thinks like me. We had drastically different childhoods...but somehow ended up in very similar values, principles, and lots in life.

So...that is the biggest draw. My wife treats me like I did something wrong and actively blames me when her parents misbehave (because I dont make them feel welcomed -- or they are old and set in their ways, just deal with it -- or as her sister put it -- I dont make them feel comfortable in their own home (WTGDF). But Ms Thickums generally agrees with me, if they don't pay a single bill and instead only generate expenses, make huge fucking messes, never clean them up, and dont contribute to the household (besides watching my daughter) but I STILL give them a stipend every month of $1k just because....they should be on their best behavior. So, she's the only person I really share those thoughts with...because she isn't a gossip and with my wife...criticizing anything about her family is always a guaranteed way to start a fight.
Digital Masta
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Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

killacross wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:49 am I honestly wonder if that is what it is.

Obviously I noticed that she was gorgeous within a week of working there. Particularly, she wore this brown sundress...
That's all I needed to hear my man...I love sundresses. How the hell did she get away with wearing that to work.
Last edited by Digital Masta on Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
San Goku
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Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

killacross wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:30 am
Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:10 am Same. Shoutbox needed.

So, last night was interesting. At like 10pm a friend calls me and the conversation goes like this (paraphrasing):

"Would you be interested in a one night stand tonight?"

"WHAT? Umm...possibly."

"Good. So my sister-in-law is in town and has an itch that needs scratching and wants a foreign dude to do it." (She is Japanese, my friend is foreign)


"She's with her friend at this bar here. Let me know if you are gonna go because if not they will catch the last train. If you go you don't have to do anything if you're not feeling it."

"I'll go."

So I met them and it turns out they pulled a ruse. It was for the friend not the SIL(my friend didn't know this HIS WIFE and SIL set this up). She left soon after I arrived, just leaving her friend there with me. Honestly, she wasn't that great looking but it was a new experience and so I rolled with...and I took her to a love hotel and smashed the ever loving bejesus outta that! She gonna be like, "Black D is the best D"

I'm sticking to the original plan of it being a one nighter...even though as we were heading back to the train she was like, "So let's drink again." and I'm thinking in my head, " You're nice but I'm sticking to the deal. Damn it...Why I gotta please that booty so well?" I actually didn't exchange contact info with her.

It also ended a dry spell. I still got it, boys!

I'm sorry, despite the fact that I turn 35 this year I still act like a 12 year old at times.
**slow clap**

not gonna lie...I saw that San was the last to reply to the thread. I read that whole thing thinking it was him typing. I thought to myself -- What. The. Fuck? for my own WTF situation at the moment.

I havent given an update on Ms Thickums lately. Turns out...San may be right. She wants me to smash...and it is SO hard to resist. She is my kryptonite -- and she let it slip late last year that I am hers. She came in one day with some pictyas from 5 and 10 years ago. GOOD GAWDDDD DEM LATINA FEATURES!! DAYUMN GIRL!! -- i can't resist. Scrolling through, she "accidentally" had some [semi and full on] nudes that "were for her husband". She blushed to her hairline -- which for some reason was so F-ing sexy. Aaaaand of course, because I'm attracted to her -- I got rock hard in 0.00003 seconds. I excused myself -- but that was the cue she needed to be brazen. So she's started talking about my size.

I'm trying to be good...I really am. But the whole thing makes me wonder how far I could go and how long I could keep it a secret etc etc etc. I've arrived at the correct solution (can't hurt 4 innocent people (her husband/daughter, my wife/daughter) for a little fun but...) kinda disappointed in myself for giving it so much thought honestly.

One of these days you gotta show me a pic of her. I'm really curious.

xandorxerxes wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:54 pm I'm all for thought experiments and trying to walk the line... but keeping it secret? That's where you're going to start losing the 'good man' status (yes, I'm a hypocrite, see later). As long as you can say that you'd be fine with your wife doing the same thing (in either you or thickums roles) you've got some ground to stand on, but I think you're getting dangerously close (if not past) the line where your wife starts to care. If you want to keep doing it without the guilt I'd tell the wife that someone at work is hitting on you and you want to know her boundary so you don't cross it. I wouldn't say you need to tell her if that line has already been crossed, but you can at least walk it back to pushing the line of 'acceptable.'

I've got my own double standards so I'm not pretending I'm some saint, but my commenting on this issue is based on my experience in a very similar situation. It didn't end well for me, wishing better for you.
Don't ruin our fun
Digital Masta wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:36 pm
killacross wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:25 pm
And it's weird... I am certain I've been with more women than she's been with men... But it's weird applying the double standard.

Yeah, well men and women are different and a guy having a lot of sex with different women isn't exactly the same as a woman having a lot of sex with different guys (it's still not good in the long wrong for both but it's worse for women). I mean studies show that the more partners a woman has the higher the risk of divorce. ... -stability

They haven't done the study for men but I seriously doubt it's the same. Just because of the differences in men and women. I think I used this extreme example before but here we go:

If a married man/man with a girlfriend (and this guy absolutely loves his woman) gets stuck at a house party (meaning he can't leave until the next morning for whatever reason) where a bunch of attractive women want to have sex with him very badly and actively push it, if he doesn't lock himself in a room he will likely eventually succumb and have sex. This won't affect at all how he feels about his wife/gf and he'll forget about those party women just as quickly. And the society reaction from both men and women would be "Eh...I's not great but he's a man. That's kinda difficult for a guy to resist."

Contrast that with a woman in that situation where it's a bunch of attractive men that want to sex her up and she'd probably run away and find a room to lock herself in. If she did decide to have sex with them we know that she has issues in her relationship. Whereas the man might not really have any in his. Also the society reaction to the woman (from both men and women) would be, "Well, she's nasty, she's got relationship issues and probably some crazy childhood issues."

Is part of that society's influence? Sure, but it's mostly the primal recognition that men and women are fundamentally different in how we are wired for many things but especially sex.

I mean this difference just manifested with "one-nighter" like I said. The whole situation was sold to me as a one night thing and because she went "WOOOOOOOOOO" twice (see Eddie Murphy's Raw for context). She was all about that cuddle life afterwards, if I was to hold hands with her and all that while we were heading back to the train she would have been completely down for it and then of course the whole "Oh, let's hang out again." WTF happened to the whole "got an itch to scratch tonight" thing? I mean it's not surprising if a guy got it real good from a woman and then afterwards he's pretty cool with just being like, "Alright...nice meeting you."

But I say she's a 'ho not because of that but because she is actively trying to homewreck your shit and waiting for you to bite. It's like chasing around someone that is trying to lose weight with the the most delicious cakes and what not trying to get them to fail. It's fucked up.
Don't assume shes trying to home wreck. She just wants killa's D and thats' it.

I wouldn't flinch if any of you guys told me you smashed a hundred chicks and live the family life. If you guys were women I would feel different, just how it is.
killacross wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:49 am I honestly wonder if that is what it is.

Obviously I noticed that she was gorgeous within a week of working there. Particularly, she wore this brown sundress that complimented her skintone and just hugged every inch of her body. The best part, was when she walked outside and the sunlight hit it -- it turned invisible/see through! She went home early that day, but I had already seen enough.

I didn't really grow close to her until coming back from paternity leave. We used to be the first 2 in the office in the morning (I came in at 645 and she came in at 7) we would have random conversations for 30-40 minutes every day. I think she opened up to me first about some family problems. I opened up to her about my annoying inlaws and how my wife thought I was wrong and crazy for being annoyed.

We've developed this very candid and honest relationship...mostly built around trust that we wouldnt gossip behind eachother's backs (which is the biggest issue in my dept). I describe it as -- it is always fun to talk to a pretty girl, but it is even more fun to talk to a pretty girl who thinks like me. We had drastically different childhoods...but somehow ended up in very similar values, principles, and lots in life.

So...that is the biggest draw. My wife treats me like I did something wrong and actively blames me when her parents misbehave (because I dont make them feel welcomed -- or they are old and set in their ways, just deal with it -- or as her sister put it -- I dont make them feel comfortable in their own home (WTGDF). But Ms Thickums generally agrees with me, if they don't pay a single bill and instead only generate expenses, make huge fucking messes, never clean them up, and dont contribute to the household (besides watching my daughter) but I STILL give them a stipend every month of $1k just because....they should be on their best behavior. So, she's the only person I really share those thoughts with...because she isn't a gossip and with my wife...criticizing anything about her family is always a guaranteed way to start a fight.
Do ur in-laws know your upbringing and what you could of been compared to what you are now. They need fall back a bit and start respecting you. I can't see it any other way as disrespect based on what you've been telling us this entire time.
Digital Masta
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Joined: Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:56 pm

Re: There we go

Post by Digital Masta »

Digital Masta wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:28 am
killacross wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:49 am I honestly wonder if that is what it is.

Obviously I noticed that she was gorgeous within a week of working there. Particularly, she wore this brown sundress...
That's all I needed to hear my man...I love sundresses. How the hell did she get away with wearing that to work?
San Goku
Posts: 2125
Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:41 am

Re: There we go

Post by San Goku »

So I had a pair of perscription glasses for almost 5 years. I was long over due or some new specs. Finally used my benefits and they were ready for pick up last week. Now that I have been wearing them it's like my eyes are telling me they were being rubbed with sandpaper the entire time and now they feel relieved.

Anyways I want to take care of these new glasses then I did with my old ones.

Found a link on Youtube for tips to clean properly:

I always hate when the gunk gets in between the nose pads, hard to clean. Q-tips don't work. I didn't know I could bring them in to some stores with that have an ultrasonic cleaner. Just did a search and the ultrasonic cleaner are not expensive. I might purchase one.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

She came in early in the morning... So no sunlight. And the job doesn't really have a dress code towards social mores.. It's more about what you can wear safety wise and what will not affect drug product

... She's not even the worst offender.

There's this girl in the EM lab that is a 2/10 face but 12/10 body. She is ALWAYS in leggings/jeans that look like they were painted on... she has a perfectly symmetrical camel toe

One time she came in a mini skirt and thigh high fuck me boots and was the talk of the plant about.. Is that allowed? HELL YES IT WAS....all them old salty, crusty, dusty women were shit talking!
Last edited by killacross on Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: There we go

Post by eddieson »

Has anything gone beyond crude jokes and innuendos with her? And I'm not talking about by accident like with the pictures.

Also lol at the females at your job walking around like that. While I'm stuck at a job where they can't do that but they will grope you.
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

Nope. Haven't crossed any lines. We have both done some flirting here and there...but nothing crazy (as in, I would do it in front of others [if they were cool], she DOES do it in front of the other women -- and it'll start this feeding frenzy thing where they all talk about me like Im not there. Sometimes, we will hug in the mornings generally depending on where the morning conversation has gone -- where if she/I shares something incredibly personal...and feels kinda vulnerable afterwards. Innocent enough and trust building stuff. And we have had a candid talk one morning about I think she is attractive, she thinks I'm attractive. And if we met under different circumstances, we would have probably pursue each other.

The erection...and her innuendo in front of the others (where basically she'll say something in front of the others so that I know and she knows what we are talking about...doubt anyone else catches on (they just generally chalk it up to language barrier) is probably the BIGGEST thing (hehe).

The pictures came about because I lost 70 lbs last year. She started asking if I had progress pictures. I do not. So I showed some pictures for the past 10ish years. I went from pretty slim and athletic in high school. Gained about 50 lbs in college. Gained another 50 pounds since graduating. So she came back with pics in the past few years. She has gained about 30-40 lbs since having her daughter. But she was flipping through her pics, handed me her phone, I was flipping and then there was a semi nude. I looked...then quickly slid her phone back. She fumbled...and scrolled through the next 3 or 4 and they were nudes....then blushed to her hairline. She said they were supposed to be progress pics...and said they were for her husband...etc. My meat got hard and she saw. I just dont think you forget you have nudes on your phone though -- so maybe she was playing roulette.

Since then, she has been pretty cool about it. My favorite part is she was like...if I saw her nudes from 5 years ago (before her daughter)...I would say, DAMN GIRL (but with the Spanish accent -- it was sexy yet funny at the same time).

So I have texted her a few times since where I am like...I see you. I'm walking behind you in the parking lot...DAYUMN GIRL!! Her flirting and conversations have gotten more aggressive/charged since...but mine has stayed pretty much the same.

...and like DM with his nephew/niece -- not my place to put her picture up on the interwebs
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Re: There we go

Post by killacross »

San Goku wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:30 amDo ur in-laws know your upbringing and what you could of been compared to what you are now. They need fall back a bit and start respecting you. I can't see it any other way as disrespect based on what you've been telling us this entire time.
It's not really disrespect. It's a culture difference where they are entitled. In their minds, they've put in the 75+ years of work to get to this now it's their turn to reap the benefits.

The central american latin culture and the american latin culture are completely different. In the US, we generally don't have multiple generations living under one roof (though with immigration, the averages are changing). In the US, the typical progression is: Our parents are supposed to save for retirement, support themselves for as long as they can, move in with you, then move into a nursing home/assisted living facility when you physically cannot offer the support they need.

In central america (and most of the world really): They save nothing towards retirement (for various reasons), they have as many children as they can afford to feed, they grow old and either move in with the children or the children never leave the family home, dad dies, mom dies, the children inherit the home. The mindset is, I took care of you owe me.

So...I am going up against this mindset. They (and their other children) have said stuff like "I owe them...." Their culture is...if I have ____, the family has ____. But, because my wife is married to me...I put a BIG stop to A LOT of it. Doesn't stop them from asking....but really surprises them when I say No (even after all these years -- but if I look back on all the times I've said Yes...I see why).

I have corrected all of them...I am not one of your children...and you have never given me a penny. I owe you nothing and I dont HAVE to do anything. I choose to help as a gesture and extension of my love for my wife/your daughter/sister.

I am generally faced with looks of horror because I am the only "American" spouse. They hate that. 3/5 kids are married to they understand the culture. The other sister is married to a Pacific is pretty much the same culture. The issue is that my wife and I have the most money out of all of the family. Probably more than the ALLLLLLL of the rest of the family added together. They really hate that. So they can have alllll the brilliant ideas they want -- they can't put it into practice because the world doesnt care. They generally have to convince me -- because my wife says yes too damn much. But, since I dont have the same history/childhood/family dynamic -- they cant bully/manipulate me into anything...AND THEY REALLY HATE THAT.
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